How to nail isolation.
Last updated on December 4th, 2023 at 07:43 am
Hello, everyone!
Hope everyone is doing well during these strange times, and that you were able to crack a window open and enjoy the sun this week.
Our recommendations for keeping sane in these strange times include social distancing and hygiene measures.
1. Don’t try to take it as a vacation. Stay productive, dress as usual, and don’t make a big deal of it.
2. Take the time to learn something new, or something you haven’t had the time to do yet. Whether it is an instrument, drawing, reading, studying, or cooking, keep your mind busy.
3. MUSIC! Discover new music, rediscover old music, have a dance, have a singalong. Check all the live streams going on at the moment.
4. Call each other, and keep in touch, it’s when you’re forced to stay in that we need one another the most.
5. Take this as an opportunity to do things you’ve never thought of, or never had the time to do. Keeping a clean mind will keep you sane. You have to find the positive in negative situations.
We are all in this together, we cannot wait to see you all when this blows over. We will be uploading music and articles and whatever we can to keep you entertained, active and happy!
Stay safe and happy!
Team 90 x
Pic by Roman Road LDN